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Great Falls Reston

soccer club


Players born 2006-2019

TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a US Youth Soccer community-based soccer program that is designed to meet the needs of athletes between 6 and 18 years of age with physical, developmental or intellectual disabilities. The program is geared toward player development rather than competition.

TOPSoccer athletes are between 6 and 18 years of age with a disability including but not limited to: A.D.D., Autism, Hearing Impaired, Sight Impaired, Cerebral Palsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cystic Fibrosis, Down Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Seizure Disorder and Spinal Bifida.

Players will wear comfortable athletic clothing and their GFR jersey (handed out at the first session), sneakers or cleats, and shin guards. Players should also bring a ball and water to each session.

This program is held on Saturday afternoons on astroturf. 

 Register HERE!

April 5April 12April 26May 3May 10May 17May 31June 7

*There will be no session Easter or Memorial Day weekends

Key Information

Registration Fee: Free

Program includes: Eight 1-hour training sessions + a GFR jersey

Options: Saturday afternoon on astroturf

Wear/bring:  Players should wear a GFR jersey, comfortable bottoms along with cleats or sneakers, and shin guards.  Bring a ball and water.

Register Here! for Spring 2025 TOPSoccer


If you have questions about the program or need further information, please write to [email protected].

Great Falls Reston Soccer Club PO Box 836 
Great Falls, Virginia 22066 Phone: 703-859-6267
Email: [email protected]


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