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Great Falls Reston

soccer club

Recreational 11U - 19U

NCSL Recreational U11-U19
Players born 2006-2014

Our 11U and older recreational players play in a larger league run by the NCSL where they face teams from other soccer clubs in Northern Virginia.  Click here to learn more about the league.  
Players of all skill levels are welcome to register, as long as they are not participating on a travel team, and may only be registered on one recreational team per season. 

U11+ Rec teams are coached by parent volunteer Coaches and can expect 2 practices on weekdays and 1 game on the weekend. Teams will play approximately half of their games at home and travel to their other games. GFRSC provides professional trainers once a week to rec teams in the 11U to 14U age groups, if requested.  Teams in 11U and 12U play 9v9 while teams 13U and older play 11v11. 

The age groups for Spring 2025 are 11U (2014), 12U (2013), 13U (2012), 14U (2011), 16U (2010 and 2009) and 19U (2008, 2007, and 2006).

U11+ players wear a Great Falls Reston Soccer Club jersey (with a number on the back), black shorts, and royal blue socks. Players receive pre-assigned numbers. Soccer gear can be purchased at Sterling Soccer (47100 Community Plaza #128, Sterling, VA 20164). Please do NOT purchase your jersey until you have a number provided by the club. Soccer cleats and shin guards are required. Players should bring a ball and water to each practice and game.

Ball sizes:
11U-12U - size 4
13U-19U - size 5

Dates subject to change once official dates are announced by NCSL.  

Game1234567 8(rain Date)
Weekend of
April 5April 12April 26May 3May 10May 17May 31June 7TBD - handled by NCSL Rec

While most games are played on Saturdays, there may be an occasional game on Sunday as needed.

* There will be no games Easter or Memorial Day Weekends

Register HERE!

Key Information

Registration Fees & Deadlines:
Early Bird
-  Dec 6-31 = $165
On Time January 1 - February 28th - $175
Late  on or after March 1  = $190 (waitlists will begin for many teams at this point and limited registrations will be open after that time)

Program includes
: 2 weekday practices + 1 weekend game (typically on Saturdays, but an occasional Sunday game may be necessary)

What to wear/bring:
Practices: Comfortable athletic clothes, cleats and shin guards, ball and water
Games: GFR uniform (GFR blue jersey, black shorts and blue socks), cleats and shin guards, ball and water

Registration opens on December 6th


If you have questions or need further information about the U11+ Rec program, please write to


Great Falls Reston Soccer Club PO Box 836 
Great Falls, Virginia 22066 Phone: 703-859-6267
Email: [email protected]


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